12V system for SELCO Integrated Energy Centers(IEC), street hawkers and slum residents
We worked with Electric Vehicle manufacturers to repurpose their batteries for rural nano grids. Commercialising second-life batteries help OEMs recover recycling costs for these batteries.
During the process, I tackled a number of challenges with the design, like:
· Ease of assembly and use;
· Modularity
· Recyclability at end-of-life
Goal was to build affordable, and simple-to-manufacture system without compromising its aesthetics, and use standard parts that are repairable and recyclable. By these products we aim to be a major contributor in recovering maximum value for batteries and help make the battery ecosystem truly circular.

Read More​
Giving EV batteries a second life for sustainability and profit- Tech Crunch
Second Life Battery Research – Another Project Milestone is Piloted- Audi Environmental Foundation
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